kita tahu hidup susah..

Blogging??? let's be serious bout it...

Posted by A m a l - -

sleepyforest Says:

salute giler…
abang amal saya nak jadi macam abang amal…..
saya berjanji tak nak giler game dah…..
doakan kejayaan saya k???

ur success inspired me…..

alya Says:

sesungguh allah itu maha berkuasa..sebak r abg amal..rse nk nangis..hwaa

babieygurlz0519 Says:

t’amal…eh..silap t’amat m’insafkan…

diza Says:

well done!
speechless aku bace…
alhamdulillah ko kembali ke pgkl jln…

fad Says:

Congrate!! smg blog ni bley m’insafkn setiap yg membacanya..keep blogging k..

futureaccountant Says:

thank you so much for this very inspiring post! it really helps me in realising that im only HIS slave..dan dijadikan utk menunaikan segala perintahnya..semoga ALLAH sentiasa merahmati drimu..amin..


Alhamdulillah, akhirnya saya diberi kelapangan masa dan waktu tuk blogging secara serius di blogspot (before this I was just using the frenster blog)...

Actually, memang dah lama dah nak setup account blog sendiri but then i was afraid that i didn't manage to update my blog frequently...

And, special tribute to the persons up there with your inspiring words that gave me the electricity to moving forward in blogging...

I think that's all for now...until then thanks for viewing....

2 Responses so far.

  1. welcome to the blogosphere.

  2. A m a l says:

    thanx2...sila beri tunjuk ajar..