Aku tahu hari ni ader debate...
Aku tahu yang aku tak prepare...
Tapi aku rasa yang cam aku tahu jer nak cakap apa hari ni...
Bila aku jadi Ketua Team Opposition tadi aku rasa macam aku ni Ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh jer...macam Idola aku Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim...even aku takdela cakap power giler macam beliau...tapi aku rasa macam diseru semangat reformasi Anwar...
Reformasi!! Reformasi!!! Reformasi!!!
Walaupun badan harini agak penat giler...dan lesu sebab class harini sampai petang...and then ader debate plak bagi group yang tak debate lagi...So, bertambahlah lagi penatnya...
Tapi aku rasa macam excited giler debate hari ni and aku terus stand up tuk speak up my stand...
Tapi, apa2 hal pun aku rasa cam kitorang menang kot...cos banyak point yang kitorang present-kan yang diorang tak bley jawab...
Tapi aku rasa pun team kitorang cam agak bias jugak ar sikit dari segi strength cos semua budak2 kaki letup ader kat situ...
Seperti Encik Sopy Sepoy2 Lines, Encik Mat Yie the mUse, Encik Buloo Ai Yin dan aku sendiri....
Tapi maaflah beb, Encik Mc the Beruang tak sempat tuk record korang semua...tapi selamat dia sempat record time aku speak...
Oo, before that...the Motion is " Should Smokers being denied free access to the Public Healthcare?"...
Bagi aku aku memang tak agree ar...
Sebab macam Sepoy2 kata: " Semokers juga bayar tax, in fact bayar lebih tax lagi(70% ciggarette tax), so apsal tak bagi diorang pergi Hospital Kerajaan pulak?"
Macam Bulu Kata: " Smokers juga terdiri daripada golongan Professional such as Doctors, Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers and in fact Soldiers...ok kalau tak bagi Doctor pergi hospital kerajaan, so camner doctor tu nak treat jutaan orang lagi kan, kalau Minister plak, kalau dia sakit, camner dia nak run country kan? kalau Soldier plak,of courselah mostly semua tentera kita are smokers...kalau nak biarkan diorang mati untreated, so siapa nak defend country kita?...kau??? kau tu perut boyot, lari pun takleh...nak pegang senapang..."
Macam aku kata: "Smokers are also human, they might be your fathers, brothers or people that u love...If we deny free access of this people to get proper a treatment in the public healthcare...so we must also deny the free access to the fat-obes-woman because they eat so much fat and sugar, we must also deny people of hypertension which is not hereditary because they ate so much salt in his diet...am i right?"
Tapi dalam-dalam tu plak ader yang masih berkeras tak paham....jadi bila ditanya, tentang point dia yang mengatakan about Smokers normally take a longer time to heal, we must not agree to treat them with the surgery due to the coronary heart disease because they are smokers and will occupied the bed a longer time than other people required...
Bila aku P.O.I (Point of Information) dia, bertanyakan tentang "So how about people who really need to undergo the surgery of coronary heart diseases, is your father?"...
Dengan selamber Big Show-nyer dia reply.."My father is not smokers, so I don't care.."
Just imagine, kalau lah semua Doctors-to-be think like this 'Round Guy' said??
Kalaulah before jadi Doctor lagi pun dah ader perasaan tak peduli ttg orang lain asalkan ianya bukan keluarga or family sendiri...camner kau nak treat patient nanti yang terdiri daripada criminals, prisoners, rapist, bank robbers and so on and so forth...
Tak boleh ar cakap kalau tu bukan family kau, kau tak kisah..so kau ni jadi doctor semata-mata nak treat family kau sorang jer ker???
Family orang lain???
Family orang yang kau tak kenal???
Aku rasa government do waste their money to the guy like this who never thought of people first in making any decision....
Orang lain pun sakit jugak, and mostly 80% orang yang sakit tu is due to his bad habit like smoking, free sex, lack of excercise, drink too much alcohol and whatsoever...
So, nanti kau jadi doctor nanti, takkanla bila patient datang kat kau and kau tengok dia macam gemuk obes sikit kau cakap " Pergi balik kurangkan gula dan lemak dalam diet and pergi excercise sekarang jugak!!!"
Tak ke bengapnya bakal doctor kalau pikir camtu...
takpelah kau pikir2kanlah sendiri...kau pun dah 'besar' kan?
p/s- harap2 anak-anak aku nanti tak kena treat ngan kau...kalau tak sure kau inject mercury kat anak-anak aku, sebab kau tak kisah about others except family kau...Grow up lah brother...see the world...bukan dok terperap jer kat dalam 'ofis; kau k?
Ini adalah sedikit coretan yang berjaya direcordkan oleh Encik Mc the beruang ketika debate baru sahaja bermula...(p/s lagi- sorry gambar tak clear...hanset murah dan patut dibaling kepada anjing sahaja...)
Aku tahu yang aku tak prepare...
Tapi aku rasa yang cam aku tahu jer nak cakap apa hari ni...
Bila aku jadi Ketua Team Opposition tadi aku rasa macam aku ni Ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh jer...macam Idola aku Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim...even aku takdela cakap power giler macam beliau...tapi aku rasa macam diseru semangat reformasi Anwar...
Reformasi!! Reformasi!!! Reformasi!!!
Walaupun badan harini agak penat giler...dan lesu sebab class harini sampai petang...and then ader debate plak bagi group yang tak debate lagi...So, bertambahlah lagi penatnya...
Tapi aku rasa macam excited giler debate hari ni and aku terus stand up tuk speak up my stand...
Tapi, apa2 hal pun aku rasa cam kitorang menang kot...cos banyak point yang kitorang present-kan yang diorang tak bley jawab...
Tapi aku rasa pun team kitorang cam agak bias jugak ar sikit dari segi strength cos semua budak2 kaki letup ader kat situ...
Seperti Encik Sopy Sepoy2 Lines, Encik Mat Yie the mUse, Encik Buloo Ai Yin dan aku sendiri....
Tapi maaflah beb, Encik Mc the Beruang tak sempat tuk record korang semua...tapi selamat dia sempat record time aku speak...
Oo, before that...the Motion is " Should Smokers being denied free access to the Public Healthcare?"...
Bagi aku aku memang tak agree ar...
Sebab macam Sepoy2 kata: " Semokers juga bayar tax, in fact bayar lebih tax lagi(70% ciggarette tax), so apsal tak bagi diorang pergi Hospital Kerajaan pulak?"
Macam Bulu Kata: " Smokers juga terdiri daripada golongan Professional such as Doctors, Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers and in fact Soldiers...ok kalau tak bagi Doctor pergi hospital kerajaan, so camner doctor tu nak treat jutaan orang lagi kan, kalau Minister plak, kalau dia sakit, camner dia nak run country kan? kalau Soldier plak,of courselah mostly semua tentera kita are smokers...kalau nak biarkan diorang mati untreated, so siapa nak defend country kita?...kau??? kau tu perut boyot, lari pun takleh...nak pegang senapang..."
Macam aku kata: "Smokers are also human, they might be your fathers, brothers or people that u love...If we deny free access of this people to get proper a treatment in the public healthcare...so we must also deny the free access to the fat-obes-woman because they eat so much fat and sugar, we must also deny people of hypertension which is not hereditary because they ate so much salt in his diet...am i right?"
Tapi dalam-dalam tu plak ader yang masih berkeras tak paham....jadi bila ditanya, tentang point dia yang mengatakan about Smokers normally take a longer time to heal, we must not agree to treat them with the surgery due to the coronary heart disease because they are smokers and will occupied the bed a longer time than other people required...
Bila aku P.O.I (Point of Information) dia, bertanyakan tentang "So how about people who really need to undergo the surgery of coronary heart diseases, is your father?"...
Dengan selamber Big Show-nyer dia reply.."My father is not smokers, so I don't care.."
Just imagine, kalau lah semua Doctors-to-be think like this 'Round Guy' said??
Kalaulah before jadi Doctor lagi pun dah ader perasaan tak peduli ttg orang lain asalkan ianya bukan keluarga or family sendiri...camner kau nak treat patient nanti yang terdiri daripada criminals, prisoners, rapist, bank robbers and so on and so forth...
Tak boleh ar cakap kalau tu bukan family kau, kau tak kisah..so kau ni jadi doctor semata-mata nak treat family kau sorang jer ker???
Family orang lain???
Family orang yang kau tak kenal???
Aku rasa government do waste their money to the guy like this who never thought of people first in making any decision....
Orang lain pun sakit jugak, and mostly 80% orang yang sakit tu is due to his bad habit like smoking, free sex, lack of excercise, drink too much alcohol and whatsoever...
So, nanti kau jadi doctor nanti, takkanla bila patient datang kat kau and kau tengok dia macam gemuk obes sikit kau cakap " Pergi balik kurangkan gula dan lemak dalam diet and pergi excercise sekarang jugak!!!"
Tak ke bengapnya bakal doctor kalau pikir camtu...
takpelah kau pikir2kanlah sendiri...kau pun dah 'besar' kan?
p/s- harap2 anak-anak aku nanti tak kena treat ngan kau...kalau tak sure kau inject mercury kat anak-anak aku, sebab kau tak kisah about others except family kau...Grow up lah brother...see the world...bukan dok terperap jer kat dalam 'ofis; kau k?
Ini adalah sedikit coretan yang berjaya direcordkan oleh Encik Mc the beruang ketika debate baru sahaja bermula...(p/s lagi- sorry gambar tak clear...hanset murah dan patut dibaling kepada anjing sahaja...)