.:: Today is my first time ever doing the Heart Dissection...::.
We have the Guest Lecture coming all the way from Royal College of Surgeon Ireland(RCSI); with the name Dr J.Daly (dulu masa baca slide presentation dia aku selalu bayangkan maybe dia ni kerja kat Daily Planet kot, jadi muka dia surely macam Superman, but then I was wrong cos his face seriously has a great resemblance with our very famous KFC founder which is Colonel Sunders)...The day that i've been waiting for so long finally comes...it was the day that i'll never forget...the day where finally i've the opportunity to hold the sharp merciless scalpel with my own hand and doing the real dissection on my own...
But, that just not it..i almost spoiled the day by coming 3 minutes late to class(class start at 2pm)...On the way to the Dissection Room i was thinking like i don't wanna show up today cos i'm already late...Surely i'll be scolded by the KFC guy who seems quite strict like yesterday lab...
Waaa....what i gonna do..i've 2 choices either come to the Lab Session or turn back and sleep(eventhough, it wasn't a good option at all but at least i can save the image of my own alma mater from the outsider's eyes)...
Hurm...come...not come...come...not come...without i even realised,my right foot has finally arrived at the end of the hallway...mmm, with all the courage, i opened the door with my right hand and i was prepared to face any consequences of my lateness...
U know what i saw?
I saw most of my classmates were chatting, sitting on their respective place and the 2 Student Union Committee members were giving some briefing about the Women's Amazing Race(I've no idea what the hell it is)...And at one corner, I saw the Dr KFC guy was preparing the material for our dissection with the help of one Lab Assistant....
Huiissssssssssssshhhh...wahh....it was a big relief to know that i managed to save my butt again and over again...haha...I settled down to the place next to Bulu and Sophy and greet them with a warm smile...
"selamat kau 'on-time' mal, kalau tak sure Dr KFC tu angin"
"haha...sebenarnya aku nak datang pukul 3 tadi, biar dia bengang and terus bertukar jadi Santa Claus"
Dr J.Daly
"Ok, everybody...u may come here and choose your own heart"
...I quickly jumped to the scene and choose the second row bench on the right with a nice reddish looking heart on it...I choose Shuren as my partner a.k.a the first assistant while i'm cutting through the layer of pericardium and the thick muscular layer of the ventricles...
...Seriously, bau heart ni busuk giler...tak tau ar bau mayat camner plak kan?..
...Before our hands get dirty, Dr J.Daly a.k.a Colonel Sunders KFC asked us to come in front to see the proper way to dissecting the heart without damaging the other important parts of it, which is very precious to be studied thoroughly after the dissection has finished...Dr KFC, did showed us some other vital organs than the heart such as liver, and the lungs...
...After that, we were told to cut a nice and clean slice all the way to the right ventricle of the heart, 1.5cm from the pulmonary arteries and parallel to the septa...Then, the dissection continues to the big left ventricles and we need to locate and draw all the important vessels of the heart, all the heart strings found(chordiae tendinae), the coronary artery and so on...
My Heart dissection was a success since i managed to cut through the heart with the correct incison and all the important part of the heart were remained untouched...the KFC guy said "Yea, it seems pretty good, the incisons were correct and you did pretty well for the beginner"...huhu, pengembangan dan pengecutan hidung tak dapat ku bendung lagi...lantas ku cuba sedaya-upaya untuk mengawal perasaan riak, takbur, ujub dan sebagainya dengan mengeluarkan camera FujiFilm 8.2 MegaPixels yang baru dibeli minggu lepas untuk kegunaan Blog dan merakam aktiviti2 harianku yang menarik, tertarik dan juga the Boom ini; lantas menangkap gambar rakan2 yang lain yang juga telah siap bermain dengan Jantung pertama mereka...And these were some moments caught on the scene...
...then, after the Lab Session ended, I rushed on the way back home to check whether MARA has bank in my scholarship money for this month...And...they DID!!! They SO COOL !! Yabedabeduu....!!! Yippi Yaii...!!!...I ran home with a smile on my face and talking to myself..."huishh...What a Day!!"
:: My Very First Heart Dissection !!! (3 minutes)::
Posted by A m a l
waaaaa, mantap
aku minggu ni jugak dissect heart.
skli ngn lung.
tapi kat dissection room cameras r strictly forbidden laaa...sbb ada cedavar skali... malu la mreka..heheheh
well done Amal.. it's better to practise ur hand earlier so that it will not vibrate when u dissect the real cedavar...huhuhu (like me)
U guys are very lucky ler Amal. I only get pre-cut cadavers so we can't practice doing any dissections. =(
Not to mention the state that some of them are in. >_< ...giler lah.... dah rendam dalam formalin for 2 years... ko bayangkan ler sendiri...
Anyway, gud luck ler dlam ur studies.
alar, mane tak ingat nyer...
ingat lagi,takyah ar nak mention adik fauzul tu,i still remember u...
lar camner nak dapat early dissection experience from pre cut cadavers?
serious, tak dapat belajar apa2 ar camtu...
maybe nanti bila korang dah start masuk surgery nanti, macam agak awkward...
anyway, thanx cos willing to drop by...